NewsBoss is the industry leading newsroom automation system used in 30 countries. Throughout North America and Australasia more broadcasters use NewsBoss than any other system. Our clients include commercial broadcasters, public broadcasters, government broadcasters and educational institutions who can all configure NewsBoss to meet their demanding requirements.
Don't just take our word for it, read what our existing clients say about how NewBoss contributes to their success.

“The designers of NewsBoss clearly understand broadcasting, for the software addresses every production issue confronting a major market, all-news operation broadcasting seven days a week, 24 hours a day. NewsBoss is a brilliantly conceived software program - refined to the maximum of simplicity, yet capable of efficiently completing myriad tasks.”
Mark Miller, News Writer KNX 10.70 News Radio, Los Angeles

"In my work at two separate companies - one a media giant, the other a humble startup - the NewsBoss team has proven equally enthusiastic. They are always ready to help; and they always go above and beyond to ensure NewsBoss is serving newsrooms to the best of its ability."
Charlie Meyerson, Head of News Strategy Rivet Radio, Chicago

"The Fairfax Radio Network chose NewsBoss in 2013 following an evaluation of a range of radio news software solutions.
NewsBoss has proven to be well-suited to the FRN's operation, with the flexibility to adapt to local needs while still allowing all content to be shared seamlessly between newsrooms in four states.
NewsBoss provided quality training and advice during the transition, has been keen to continue development, and has adapted to meet FRN's needs.
More than 100 journalists and producers use NewsBoss in the FRN and its roll-out has been a big success."
Rob Curtain, National News Director Fairfax Radio Network, Australia

"Change is always difficult, especially in newsrooms that battle tough deadlines. Our news team had used paper scripts for decades. So, they weren’t happy about changing over to NewsBoss, mainly because the program we used up to that point was unreliable. I figured I had a huge uphill battle. To my surprise, it was the easiest transition I have experienced in my radio and television news career. NewsBoss was created by radio people for radio people. It’s extremely easy to understand and use. Now I’m spoiled and never want to use anything else. Plus, NewsBoss is always within an emails reach for any questions that pop up, even a year later."
April Hill, News Director & Anchor NEWS102.3 & AM740 KRMG, Tulsa

"As a former newsreader myself, I never thought I would enter a studio without printed copy. After six months of NewsBoss, however, we have completely forgotten about paper. That’s how reliable NewsBoss is. We are extremely happy with NewsBoss. It’s very easy to use. Even I learned to work it in a few hours, and I’m a 49-year-old former newspaper hack!"
Michiel Bicker Caarten, Hoofdredacteur BNR Nieuwsradio Amsterdam, Holland

“NewsBoss offers an efficient and reliable way for our audio journalists to share stories, ideas and interviews. The ability to connect newsrooms from Cairns to Perth and every major city in between is key to our success as a distributed workforce. The platform's simplicity is important in a busy news environment, and the shared understanding of creating audio news with the NewsBoss team is of comfort to our busy journalists.”
Natasha Jobson, Southern Cross Austereo Head of News & Current Affairs, Australia

As I text messaged to a former co-worker last week: “I love NewsBoss.” The ease to learn the system was surprising and is only exceeded by the ease to use it. The functionality, features, flexibility and capability for moving news content, written and audio, from the Associated Press, station reporters (inside and outside the station) and from other station material, is outstanding. The storage features, redundancy (ability to move material from one location to another without compromising original version) and the intuitive nature of the system makes it a productivity gem. The minimal clicks or keystrokes to use the system save time, create efficiency and along with the ability to add, edit, or drop in breaking news while in the midst of a newscast, make this system the best I’ve used in 30 years in broadcast news. Incorporating AP, RSS feeds, Twitter and other station-based efforts (such as talk shows or other program elements and dayparts) makes this a one-stop shop and dream to use. And, we get all this and audio functions too. Amazing tool. Wished I had NewsBoss in my previous radio news jobs in San Diego and L.A. the past eight years.
Ed Joyce, Anchor/Reporter Capitol Public Radio, Sacramento

Having used NewsBoss at three different stations (KIRO in the mid ‘90’s, KGO and now Capital Public Radio), I can tell you it’s by far the easiest to use, most intuitively functional news management system I’ve encountered. I’ve been through four other major news computer systems so I think I have a fair set of yardsticks to measure what works and what’s not very effective.
NewsBoss is simple, easy to learn, easy to teach, and eminently adaptable. I knew when I got to Capital Public Radio that it would be a good fit, and it has certainly proved to be. It works easily in the main station, reporters can use it easily to file from the field and the capitol bureau connection makes it possible for the statewide network to function as if it were in the news room, not miles away at the Capitol.
Alan Ray, Senior News Editor Capitol Public Radio, Sacramento

"What I like most about NewsBoss over my former system is that NewsBoss is more user friendly. Uploading and recording audio is faster and easier and the audio editor is more efficient and easy to use. The drag and drop features save a lot of time. NewsBoss automatically puts the audio in its format and automatically enters the metadata for audio cuts. In my old system you had to enter the information manually. NewsBoss is adapted for broadcast better and it's less cluttered and easier to read. The most important part is that it takes half the time, if not less, to turn a story - audio and script - in NewsBoss than it did for me with my former system."
Jim Roope, Reporter KABC Los Angeles formerly CNN Radio

"We have wrapped up week one on NewsBoss and am VERY happy with the system, your handling of the training sessions and the follow up hand holding! I co-anchored this morning and the speed of putting together each cast was amazing. The the ability we have to import audio and go direct to air (CBS, NBC, reporters sending audio attached to email) adding stories to anchor casts, moving stories around, internet access... found to be a real benefit in processing audio during breaking news."
Chris Camp, News Director WSB, Atlanta

"In just two weeks, NewsBoss sheared forty years off KDKA’s technology gap. We couldn't be happier. We only had a few glitches on air and most of them too slight to even notice as a listener. The entire NewsBoss experience was as painless as it could be. Today, KDKA is a markedly better station than we were just two weeks ago. Thankyou NewsBoss.”
Steve Hansen, Program Director KDKA NewsTalk 1020, Pittsburgh

"NewsBoss has helped us better organize the entire newsroom workflow process, saving us time and effort in writing, researching, organizing and editing all our news products. And we have paid for it partly with the savings on printer paper! NewsBoss is a great time and work saving system. It streamlines the entire process of newsroom workflow, allowing editorial oversight and sign-off of all created text and sound."
Jordan Weinstein, PM Drive Anchor & Editor WGBH, Boston

"The only problem we’ve had so far is someone forgetting their password. That’s a good indication in my opinion of how easy it is to use."
Martin Quiggin, Group Chief Engineer 2GB Sydney, Australia

“The simplicity and stability of NewsBoss, along with the flexibility to meet custom requirements, made it the obvious choice. Since installation there has been virtually no need for support, and on these rare occasions, vendor responsiveness has been exceptional."
John Matthews, News Director WMAL, Washington DC

“NewsBoss has streamlined our news process tremendously. It has allowed us to work smarter while NewsBoss does the bulk of the busy work, and links us to other markets for instant breaking news content sharing. NewsBoss is the best radio newsroom automation system I have ever worked with.”
Levi May, Programme Director NEWS102.3 & AM740 KRMG, Tulsa

“NewsBoss has established itself as the industry standard for radio newsroom systems in Australia. I’ve been involved as an active user of the software for close to 20 years, and was aware of it from its earliest days of pre-release development. It is a key tool to in keeping our newsrooms ahead of the competition.”
Alan Baskin, Journalist ARN Melbourne, Australia

"The prompter automatically cues up the proper audio cut...when the newsperson reaches the place where the audio cut goes, he or she simply presses start and the cut plays. No more wrong actualities.
After only a few short months with the system, it’s hard to imagine running a news operation with anything but NewsBoss."
Ron Haney, Director of Engineering KROD, El Paso

"We needed an integrated newsroom software system and NewsBoss was the best solution. NewsBoss centralized the location of audio, streamlined editing and the prompter feature allowed newscasters to self-engineer. We’ve been pleased with the technical support and ease of installation and deployment."
Arvid Hokanson, Assistant Program Director KUOW, Seattle

“IRN operates more than 20 NewsBoss terminals with 5 reading areas and produces over 100 news or sports bulletins every day. TRN has multi station newsrooms in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, with small newsrooms at 9 other sites. Different text wire feeds of company generated stories are also provided to several external clients. As a product, NewsBoss has more than met all our requirements.”
Graeme O'Connor, Manager Studio Systems The Radio Network, New Zealand

"Versatile. Simple. Comprehensive. Fast and nimble. That’s how the KGO Radio newsroom staff describes our recent upgrade of NewsBoss, which we use to produce our news 24/7/365. It’s a sleek system that has become a whole lot more user-friendly and intuitive with the latest update."
Ron Escarsega, Operations Manager KGO/KSFO, San Francisco

“NewsBoss is great. It’s night and day to what we had before. New staff members learn it really quickly because it’s so user friendly. We’re very, very pleased. This is what you need to operate successfully in a busy news environment these days. The speed is the key – the fast, simple way you can edit text and audio together on one screen and get it on the air straight away. NewsBoss is a huge jump forward. The thing that stands out is the ease of use of the software. You don’t have to swap screens to complete different tasks; it’s just so fast and easy to use. It’s virtually flawless in that way. The installation and training was as simple as we could imagine. And we’ve barely needed to use the support, because NewsBoss is so easy to maintain.”
James Derby, Program Director Newsradio 750 KXL, Portland

"The Fairfax Radio Network successfully rolled out the NewsBoss application nationally in 2013, on time and on budget.
NewsBoss delivered on every promise that was made during the negotiations and more. They were very flexible with modification and adapting to the specialised FRN workflow. The project was hugely successful with 100+ users now creating news content on the system.
NewsBoss is fully integrated across the FRN network, and within the Fairfax Radio Syndication business; which provides news content across Australia via satellite."
Joe Sexton, Technology Director Fairfax Radio Network, Australia

"I wanted to take a moment to thank you and your wonderful staff at NewsBoss.
I have never worked with a company that has the dedication and sincere concern that my reporters and staff know the product inside and out. You’ve gone well above and, on several occasions, beyond your role as a support team. You even took the time to work on issues that had nothing to do with your own software! In my 28 year career in broadcasting, I’ve worked with several software programs. None of those have served my needs quite like NewsBoss. It’s obvious you sincerely care about your clients and the reputation of your product.
I have reporters in New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C and Dallas, every time zone in the country and you have ALWAYS been available at the first sign of any question a reporter has. What company does this? NewsBoss. Period!
I’ve never seen a company who has tech support that will spend several hours on the phone, whether it be a simple question or for online training. I’m extremely honored to have the opportunity to work with such a professional and helpful staff. Your staff are definitely the most helpful, sincere, intelligent, and caring group of individuals that combined, are a true treasure to any media outlet.
I, for one, can’t find the words to show the appreciation that I have for you and your team. Thank all of you at NewsBoss for your dedication and having the passion and knowing the true meaning of the word teamwork."
Andi McKay, Operations Manager Radiate Media/Cumulus Broadcasting, Dallas

"Our NewsBoss experience has been fantastic. The system is very easy to pick up - so much so that even peripheral staff members who don't use it on a regular basis can easily get back into it and get up to speed with only a few questions.
Our training experience also went very well. It was great having you here the first day we used it on the air, but I think we would have been able to launch it regardless. A lot of it is self explanatory, or easy to figure out.
I was a devotee of my previous news system, because that is what I was used to using. I really didn't want to make the switch, because I liked what I had, but after using NewsBoss for several months, I see that it has a LOT of advantages: it's easier to learn, easier to use, and seems to work much faster. I don't mean that the system runs faster, but rather that USING NewsBoss allows you get things done much more quickly. It's easier to look up stories and match them with audio because of the queue tabs. I can do the work of two or three people by myself and, since we are such a small staff, that makes life a lot easier."
Terri-rae Elmer, News Director and AM Drive Co-Host, KABC Los Angeles